Getting In Tune

Apr 05, 2016 Comments Off on Getting In Tune by

51lIsgUO9gL._SY300_As posted by me on Facebook this morning:

The May issue of Music Alive! will be my last as editor. I’m moving on to our sister publication, In Tune Monthly, and I’ll be taking over for its 2016-17 season as editor-in-chief (a post my esteemed colleague Emile Menasché has held down ably for the past 13 years). My first issue, dated October, comes out mid-September, but the planning for it has already begun, and things will really start kicking into gear come late June/early July. Plenty more to talk about soon, I hope.

I often tell people who ask me what I do for a living that I’m in the business of “poisoning young minds.” That’s a joke, of course; introducing young people to the world of music is just about the most non-toxic occupation one can have. It’s been a pleasure and an honor to create five years’ worth of magazines for teachers and students to use in their classrooms, and I’m looking forward to producing a lot more of the same, only better, at In Tune starting this fall.

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